FDEV Fall 2021 Programs, Resources & Events

Dear faculty, welcome back! 

I bet you have missed our Tuesday Tips over the summer, and so we are back! And technically, this is less a “tip” per se and more a chance to remind you what FDEV has to offer and what resources and programs are available to you this year. 

This email includes information about this semester’s faculty learning communities, series, and events, in addition to links to important resources and tools. Please read this email carefully and save it for your future needs. 

While the transition back to in-person classes and services is still complex, I am excited that I will get to see many of you on campus, and I hope that these resources will remind you that Faculty Development is always here to support you. 

Faculty Learning Communities 
The Office of Faculty Development (FDEV) is excited to offer two faculty learning communities (FLCs) this semester, focusing primarily on equity, inclusion, and antiracist work.  

Closing the Equity Gaps 
FDEV encourages all faculty (tenured, tenure-track, and lecturers), and especially those who have not participated in FDEV programs yet, to apply for the Closing the Equity Gaps faculty learning community. In this FLC, participants are invited to think about the effects of equity and inclusion on our primary goal of student success. During the FLC, participants will be asked to access the Faculty Grades and Equity Gaps Dashboard and engage with data from their courses. The goal is to create a space for faculty to understand the meaning of this data, discuss best practices for increasing elements of equity and diversity in their classes, and design assignments and activities that promote inclusion. The FLC meetings will be offered virtually via Zoom. 
Read full call for proposals here (Google Doc). Deadline for applications is Tuesday, September 7th. 

Raising Critical Consciousness: Working Towards Establishing Anti-Racist Learning Environments 
FDEV invites all faculty (tenured, tenure-track, and lecturers) to participate in a new Raising Critical Consciousness faculty learning community. In this FLC, participants are invited to critically examine systems of power in order to explore their own racial literacy and begin to plan concrete steps toward developing and nurturing anti-racist learning environments. Possible strategies include removing barriers to opportunity for diverse student populations, improving representation in curricula, and revising assessment practices to reduce inequities. The FLC workshop meetings will be offered virtually via Zoom, while the team meetings can be scheduled either virtually or in person based on the team member’s preferences (but according to the University Covid-19 guidelines).  
Read full call for proposals here (Google Doc). Deadline for applications is Tuesday, September 7th. 

Quality Learning & Teaching (QLT) Workshops 
The Office of Faculty Development is partnering with the Technology & Learning Program (TLP) to offer a series of workshops created around the Quality Learning and Teaching instrument
These workshops will be held on Zoom and are designed to meet core standards in the QLT instrument and are associated with deliverables that will allow you to fully redesign a course (or design a new course). 
Visit the QLT workshops page for details on how to apply. Deadline for applications is Tuesday, September 7th. 

FDEV Series 
The Office of Faculty Development is excited to offer a number of series starting this semester and continuing into Spring 2022.  

Podcasting for Teaching and Learning Series 
In collaboration with TLP, FDEV will offer a series on podcasting for teaching and learning in Fall 2021. The series will be offered in a hyflex classroom (Glenn 302), so participants will be able to attend in person or via Zoom. Participants are welcome to attend individual workshops or the whole series, based on availability and interest. In Spring 2022, we will offer a similar series focusing on the use of videos and other media in the classroom. 
Visit the series page to learn more and to register for the four workshops. 

Teaching Racial & Social Justice Series 
FDEV is proud to sponsor the second annual Teaching Racial & Social Justice Series for 2021-2022 and is calling for six workshop proposals. Proposals should identify the workshop’s outcomes, deliverables/tools, ways of participant engagement, and address resources that will be shared. Visit the series page for more details. Deadline for applications is Tuesday, September 7th. 

Upcoming Events: Friday forum on Retention, Tenure, and Promotion (9/3, 12:00-2:00 p.m.) 
FDEV will be offering a Friday forum on Retention, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP) on Friday, September 3rd, from noon to 2:00 p.m. The forum will be offered via Zoom and is open to the entire campus community. Mark your calendars for this important conversation! 
The forum will be recorded and all sessions will be available in the FDEV media channel (and linked in the Friday forum page). 

FDEV Tools  
FDEV is also excited to promote a number of tools that we hope will provide valuable help and resources to faculty.  

  1. Grades and Equity Gaps Dashboard: the data in the dashboard is intended to generate thoughtful reflections and discussions, leading to pedagogical adjustments that may decrease equity gaps. 
  2. Model Course Design: a database that allows searching concrete examples of course design. If you click on the blue icons you will be able to access individual course portfolios created by Chico State faculty.  
  3. Teaching Guides: offer tips in a variety of areas of instruction. Modeling Universal Design for Learning (UDL), we made the teaching guides brief, clear, easily accessible and applicable, and we organized the resources in four areas (explore, listen, watch, and read), offering additional information in various formats (websites, podcasts, videos, and articles). 
  4. FDEV media channel: FDEV uses a Kaltura media channel were most workshops are recorded and archived. Visit the channel to see what we offered last year! 
  5. FDEV podcast – Rise, Teach, Learn: the podcast is hosted by Dr. Jamie Linn Gunderson and is designed to engage in timely conversations with faculty, staff, and students at Chico State. The podcast is released on the first and third Thursday of each month.  
  6. FDEV Virtual Library: in partnership with the Meriam Library, the Office of Faculty Development has selected a list of electronic publications that cover key areas of faculty interests and responsibilities. Explore these resources and send us suggestions on additional titles! 
  7. FDEV Zine: it is released on the first Monday of each month (first issue this year will come out on October 4th) and contains news from the Advisory Board, updates about the faculty learning communities, and timely discussions about the faculty experience at Chico State and in higher education more broadly.  

FDEV Office and Rose Garden Room 
Lastly, we want to let all faculty know that the FDEV office (MLIB 458) and the Rose Garden Room (MLIB 459) are open and we hope you will visit us often! 

The FDEV Office is open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 pm. I, together with admin support coordinator Rebecca Nelson and the FDEV student assistants, will be happy to welcome and assist you with our website or any questions you might have in relation to faculty development, training, and resources. The Rose Garden Room is available for faculty Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 pm. With the exceptions of the FDEV Advisory Board(opens in new window) meetings (scheduled in the Rose Garden Room on the first Friday of each month, 8:30-10:00 am) the room is open for faculty to write, grade, read, etc. However, following Meriam Library policy and guidelines, FDEV will not provide any beverages or refreshments this semester. 

I truly hope that you will find these programs and resources useful and that you will count on faculty development for the support you need to thrive as both a teacher and a scholar. Please reach out if you have any questions. 

Welcome back, dear faculty! We sure have missed you! 

Chiara Ferrari 

Faculty Development, Director 
Campus zip: 026 
Phone: 530-898-3094 
Department of Media Arts, Design, and Technology 
Campus zip: 504 
Phone: 530-898-4647

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