Use the Platinum Rule

While sexual harassment accusations in the workplace have been rampant in the news lately, Chico State remains committed to keeping our work lives safe, productive, and welcoming. Obviously, nonconsensual activities are prohibited but EO 1096 takes it a step further and requires that CSU employees do not enter into a consensual relationship with either a student or employee over whom they have authority or influence.

Since much of what we hear is about what not to do, today’s tip shares what to do.

    • Access Safe Place if you need advocacy services for domestic and sexual violence (available to Chico State faculty, staff, and students).
    • Contact Chico State’s Title IX coordinator with questions or concerns about misconduct (Dylan Saake 898-4949)
    • Stay up-to-date on your DTS training to “Eliminate Campus Sexual Misconduct”
    • Treat others how you want to be treated (Golden Rule)
    • Treat others the way they want to be treated (Platinum Rule)

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