Thank You!

Early this morning as I was looking through my Facebook memories, a message popped up from 2016. It was a card from a graduating student, who wrote “I am grateful for the ways you invested in me. I felt known by you, which was a great gift to this nervous transfer student.” I have no desire to focus this Tuesday Tip on myself, but this card was a powerful reminder of how many students see faculty: as someone that is willing to invest in them. This idea really moved me because I feel that sometimes we do not realize how important we are for the development of our students’ self-esteem and growth beyond their academic life. 

This message is actually not meant as a tip today, but as a thank you to all faculty who have spent endless hours recording lectures, redesigning their courses, finding creative ways to engage students, experimenting with new technology, dedicating additional time to hold extra office hours, going above and beyond to modify instruction to ensure that learning would not be fully disrupted. Now, let me be clear: learning was disrupted, and I don’t believe we should act like it wasn’t. What has not changed, though, is the fact that our students still look at us hoping that we will invest in them.  And my gratitude goes out to all of you who have invested in your students, despite the pedagogical difficulties, the increased workload, the personal struggles, and, last but not least, the technological hiccups.

The Office of Faculty Development is committed to offering programs, learning communities, workshops, and resources to make faculty’s life a bit easier. I am very aware of the fact that faculty’s life has not been easy this semester, and I do hope that all of you will take some time for yourselves because you certainly deserve it and, even more certainly, you need it. For next semester FDEV has some interesting surprises in store for you, so stay tuned for our news as we transition into the Spring semester… 

Lastly, I want to share my appreciation and gratitude for everything that the Technology and Learning Program has done to support faculty in collaboration with FDEV. This has been a wonderful partnership that continues to grow, and we are excited to think creatively about additional ways in which we can help you. 

Have a wonderful break and get some much-deserved rest!   

Physical Activity = Fulfillment

If I offered you a pill with decades of research showing it helped to increase energy, reduce bodyfat, increase muscle, improve sleep quality, increase flexibility, enhance overall quality of life, improve cognitive function, and reduce the chances of experiencing heart disease, stroke, and cancer, would you take it? What if I said that the pill was free and the main side effects were improved self-esteem and significant reductions in depression and anxiety, would you take it (sounds like an infomercial I know)?

There is something that does all this and more  – and the only investment required is a little bit of your time. The name of this medicine is “daily physical activity” and it is the most effective way to improve and/or maintain your health. If you’re more motivated by potential negative consequences, consider that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that physical inactivity (i.e. a sedentary lifestyle) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death for adults in the U.S.

Fortunately, Chico State has several low or no-cost opportunities for you to be physically active in a fun and safe environment:

  • 3WINS Fitness is a free exercise class run by Kinesiology students on MWF 8:30-9:30am on the Yolo field (see attached flier). It is open to students, faculty, staff, administrators, and the Chico community with no cost or obligation.
  • Noontime Fitness is a program for any campus employee (no students) interested in using the weight room or fitness area in Acker Mon-Fri 11:50-12:50 for $50/semester (includes summer and breaks). Contact Mitch Cox for more info or to sign up.
  • Free Qigong and Meditation at lunchtime Mon-Thurs for all campus employees and students.
  • Join the Wrec for $215/semester (includes summer and breaks).

If you’re motivated to be physically active and want to learn more about wellness, attend a free wellness workshop on October 11 from 11-1 with Dr. Dominique Gummelt (wellness coach and Chico State alumna). Details forthcoming.

Don’t forget to register for the CELT conference next week.