Protect Your Time

One of the best parts of Faculty Development is welcoming new tenure-track and lecturer faculty to Chico State. They bring fresh perspectives, interesting experiences, and new life to campus. One of the most important things I share with them is the need to protect their time. Serve on that committee if you want to, take the time to redesign your course, but realize all of the campus commitments take up calendar space that might have been there for taking a walk, having lunch with a friend, or writing a manuscript. I wanted to encourage all of you to be intentional about your commitments. 

This ties in with the application deadline for Fall 2024 Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs). Think of these as opportunities to block off time for something you actually want to get done. Not everything is for everyone, but we think there is something here that matches needs and interests for most of you. We look forward to working with you this semester. 

FLC Opportunities for Fall 2024. All applications are due on 9/3 by 11:59pm.

Advancing Hispanic/Latinx Student Success (Google Doc)
Who: All faculty including lecturers 
Leads: Teresita Curiel and Gloria Lopez
Grant Contact: Sabrina Marquez
Compensation:$1000 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: Fall In Person
Application – See the full call (Google Doc) for details.

This project is partially funded by a generous U.S. Department of Education Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) grant from PI Ryan Patten, College of BSS.  We are happy to collaborate on this important work.  This FLC will feature connected workshops focused on better understanding Hispanic/Latinx university students and how Chico State can advance their success. Applications are due on 9/3 by 11:59pm.

Collaborative Online International Learning (Google Doc)
Who: All faculty including lecturers 
Lead: Dr. Nan Li
Compensation:$500 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: Fall Online and Synchronous
Application – See the full call (Google Doc) for details.

International Education and Global Engagement (IEGE) is offering faculty an opportunity to participate in a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) this fall to support with implementation of Collaborative Online International Education (COIL) as a component within your course at Chico State. IEGE offers support—training, mentoring, resources, and partner matching—for faculty members who wish to develop a virtual exchange experience with a faculty member(s) abroad, connecting students globally to project-based learning and valuable international opportunities. Applications are due on 9/3 by 11:59pm.

Leadership Development (Google Doc)

Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers currently in/considering leadership roles on campus
Lead: Holly Nevarez
Compensation: $500 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: Fall In Person
Application – See the full call (Google Doc) for details.

The leadership FLC will introduce leadership styles and strategies. This FLC is designed for people who lead from wherever you are. Perhaps you are not a formal leader on campus, but find yourself leading other staff or students; perhaps you would like to be a formal leader someday and want to start to develop skills; or perhaps you are going to be a department Chair next year and want to start preparing. In any of those scenarios, this FLC is for you. We will talk about staffing, shared governance, facilitating meetings, managing difficult people, work to develop a leadership philosophy and more. Applications are due on 9/3 by 11:59pm.

Quality Learning and Teaching (Google Doc) (QLT)
Who: All faculty including lecturers
Lead: Allison McConnell
Compensation: $500 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: Fall Online and Primarily Asynchronous
Application – See the full call (Google Doc) for details.

The Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) Program is an asynchronous, self-paced Canvas course structured around the QLT evaluation rubric. This QLT course is designed to meet core standards in the QLT instrument through the completion of eight modules with associated deliverables that guide you to fully redesign a course (or design a new course). Topics and deliverables focus on backwards design, student engagement, authentic assessment, inclusion and accessibility, and more. This QLT course requires a final course review. While focusing on online learning, QLT provides a framework that is applicable to all modes of instruction. Applications are due on 9/3 by 11:59pm.

Universal Design for Learning (Google Doc) (UDL)
Who: All STEM faculty, including lecturers (CNS and ECSCM)
Lead: Jamie Gunderson
Compensation: $1880.00 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: Academic Year Online and Synchronous 

Application – See the full call (Google Doc) for details.

The CSU Chico Office of Faculty Development (FDEV) is thrilled to present an NSF-funded Faculty Learning Community (FLC) dedicated to implementing teaching strategies that enhance student learning in STEM disciplines. This FLC invites participants to delve into Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to design assessments and implement activities that foster inclusion, accessibility, engagement, and student success within their courses. We strongly encourage all STEM faculty to apply. Applications are due on 9/3 by 11:59pm.

Writing Support (Google Doc)

Who: All faculty, including lecturers 
Lead: Chris Fosen
Format: Fall Semester. TBD
Application  – See the full call (Google Doc) for details.

We heard from some folks about their desire for writing support this semester so we are offering this experimental program.  Our goal with this is to help group people up into ad-hoc writing teams that will meet regularly through the fall semester, and provide as much structured support for the groups as they would like. This is not really an application, we will take anyone who is interested, but we are asking folks to complete the sign-up by 9/3 at 11:59pm so we can match people up ASAP.

Zach Justus
Director of Faculty Development
Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences
Google Voice/Text: 530-487-4150

All past Tuesday Tips are curated on the FDEV website.

Early Fall Opportunities are Here!

We are loving the energy on campus to start the Fall. In FDEV, we are launching our programming as quickly as possible to support you this semester. We don’t want to clog your inbox, so we are using the teaching tips to promote our upcoming workshops and the Fall Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs). 

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Workshops. All sessions will be recorded. 

  1. AI Basics. 9/5 from 12-1pm. Zoom. Get started with the foundational knowledge you need about this disruptive technology. This session is designed with beginners in mind. Collaboration with TLP.
  2. Academic Integrity and AI. 9/19 from 9-11am. Zoom. This collaboration with Student Rights and Responsibilities covers how Academic Integrity and AI intersect and your changing role as an instructor. 

Classroom Culture. All sessions will be recorded. 
This series will launch in late September and will focus on fostering a healthy classroom environment, especially during contentious times like election season. This is a collaboration with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Office. Details forthcoming. Preliminary schedule will be:

  1. Free speech fundamentals. 9/20 from 12-1pm. Zoom.
  2. De-escalation in the classroom. 9/27 from 12-1pm. Zoom.
  3. Campus support systems. 10/4 from 12-1pm. Zoom. 
  4. Culminating event. 10/11 from 12-1pm. In Person. 

FLC Opportunities for Fall. All applications due on 9/3 at 11:59pm.

Advancing Hispanic/Latinx Student Success
(Google Doc)
Who: All faculty including lecturers 
Leads: Teresita Curiel and Gloria Lopez
Grant Contact: Sabrina Marquez
Compensation: $1000 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: In Person

This project is partially funded by a generous U.S. Department of Education Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) grant from PI Ryan Patten, College of BSS.  We are happy to collaborate on this important work.  This FLC will feature connected workshops focused on better understanding Hispanic/Latinx university students and how Chico State can advance their success. Applications are due on 9/3.

Collaborative Online International Learning (Google Doc)  (COIL)
Who: All faculty including lecturers 
Lead: Dr. Nan Li
Compensation: $500 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: Online and Synchronous

International Education and Global Engagement (IEGE) is offering faculty an opportunity to participate in a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) this fall to support with implementation of Collaborative Online International Education (COIL) as a component within your course at Chico State. IEGE offers support—training, mentoring, resources, and partner matching—for faculty members who wish to develop a virtual exchange experience with a faculty member(s) abroad, connecting students globally to project-based learning and valuable international opportunities.

Leadership Development
(Google Doc)
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers currently in/considering leadership roles on campus
Lead: Holly Nevarez
Compensation: $500 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: In Person

The leadership FLC will introduce leadership styles and strategies. This FLC is designed for people who lead from wherever you are. Perhaps you are not a formal leader on campus, but find yourself leading other staff or students; perhaps you would like to be a formal leader someday and want to start to develop skills; or perhaps you are going to be a department Chair next year and want to start preparing. In any of those scenarios, this FLC is for you. We will talk about staffing, shared governance, facilitating meetings, managing difficult people, work to develop a leadership philosophy and more. Applications are due on 9/3.

Quality Learning and Teaching (Google Doc) (QLT)
Who: All faculty including lecturers
Lead: Allison McConnell
Compensation: $500 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: Fall Online and Primarily Asynchronous

The Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) Program is an asynchronous, self-paced Canvas course structured around the QLT evaluation rubric. This QLT course is designed to meet core standards in the QLT instrument through the completion of eight modules with associated deliverables that guide you to fully redesign a course (or design a new course). Topics and deliverables focus on backwards design, student engagement, authentic assessment, inclusion and accessibility, and more. This QLT course requires a final course review. While focusing on online learning, QLT provides a framework that is applicable to all modes of instruction. Applications are due on 9/3.

Universal Design for Learning (Google Doc) (UDL)
Who: All STEM faculty, including lecturers (CNS and ECSCM)
Lead: Jamie Gunderson Compensation: $1880.00 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: Academic Year Online and Synchronous 

The CSU Chico Office of Faculty Development (FDEV) is thrilled to present an NSF-funded Faculty Learning Community (FLC) dedicated to implementing teaching strategies that enhance student learning in STEM disciplines. This FLC invites participants to delve into Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to design assessments and implement activities that foster inclusion, accessibility, engagement, and student success within their courses. We strongly encourage all STEM faculty to apply.

 Zach Justus
Director of Faculty Development
Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences
Google Voice/Text: 530-487-4150

All past Tuesday Tips are curated on the FDEV website.

Last Call for Spring Faculty Learning Communities

Tonight is the deadline for all of our Spring professional development opportunities. Every semester starts with wonderful ambition. You may have a manuscript you are going to finish, a teaching practice you are going to improve, or a commitment to connect with colleagues interested in a key topic. For almost all of us, the difference between realizing those ambitions or deferring them (again) is a system of structure and support. Get the help you need in the form of a Faculty Learning Community. 

BIPOC Faculty Writing Community (FWC) 
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers who identify as BIPoC
Format: In Person
Compensation: $500
Contact: Stef Baldivia and Gloria Lopez
Full Description

The purpose of the Black, Indigenous, People of Color Faculty Writing Community (BIPoC-FWC) is to cultivate community and support for a diverse group of faculty to successfully navigate the retention, tenure, and promotion process, by developing scholarly and creative work, while strengthening a network of colleagues at the Chico State campus. The BIPoC-FWC is designed to create a space for BIPoC faculty to share their research ideas and publication goals, while supporting and motivating each other. All self-identified Black, Indigenous, or faculty of Color, are encouraged to apply. Members will regularly meet in a set location for a total of ten 90-minute sessions and two community building events. During writing sessions, every writer works on their own project, with mutual support offered through fellowship both prior to and following the writing sessions. Faculty will be working in a large cohort led by two peer-mentors, Gloria Lopez and Stef Baldivia. There will be a mandatory kick-off meeting in early spring based on participants availability.

Chico Affordable Learning Solutions (CAL$)
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers
Format: Online and Asynchronous
Compensation: $500
Contact: Beth Shook
Full Description

Want to decrease course costs for students? And at the same time provide students high quality and accessible course materials? Participate in an asynchronous Canvas training designed to help faculty identify and evaluate Open Educational Resources (OER) and other free or affordable course materials for your courses. Faculty who complete the online training, including developing a cost-savings plan to be implemented in a Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 course, will earn $500 in taxable income. 

Canvas modules will cover the following topics: OER and why they are important, finding and evaluating OER, Library resources, understanding copyright and Creative Commons licenses, ensuring accessibility, curating and adapting materials for your course, teaching with open resources, and the Zero Cost Course Materials (ZCCM) designation.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Teaching (EDIT) 
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers
Format: Primarily Zoom, with one in person session
Compensation: $500 for attending at least four workshops
Contact: Alisa Wade and Allison McConnell
Full Description

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Teaching (EDIT) Series includes six workshops, and is designed to offer faculty an introduction to basic concepts of equity, diversity, inclusion, and how they can be implemented in the classroom in order to create more equitable and accessible learning environments. Each workshop explores–and models–a different facet of student-centered and inclusive teaching through tools, resources, and strategies: positionality in the classroom, antiracist pedagogy, backward design, accessibility of course materials, culturally responsive teaching and the hidden curriculum, and practices of classroom community building. Workshops are each paired with a teaching guide (and other materials) and offer the opportunity for faculty to complete deliverables that they will be able to incorporate into their course(s) moving forward.

Leadership Development 
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers currently in/considering leadership roles on campus
Format: In Person
Compensation: $500
Contact: Holly Nevarez
Full Description

The leadership FLC will introduce leadership styles and strategies. This FLC is designed for people who lead from wherever you are. Perhaps you are not a formal leader on campus, but find yourself leading other staff or students; perhaps you would like to be a formal leader someday and want to start to develop skills; or perhaps you are going to be a department Chair next year and want to start preparing. In any of those scenarios, this FLC is for you. We will talk about staffing, shared governance, facilitating meetings, managing difficult people, work to develop a leadership philosophy and more.

Publish and Flourish 
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers
Format: One online FLC and one in person FLC
Compensation: $500
Contact: Chris Fosen
Full Description

The Office of Faculty Development is bringing back faculty writing groups FLCs for the spring 2024 semester. After a survey was sent out in Dec 2023 to “Publish and Flourish” and “Write an Article in Twelve Weeks” participants about meeting preferences, we recognized the need for two distinct meeting patterns and goals for FLC participants. Faculty can select either option below:

  • Meeting one hour a week on Zoom for dedicated writing time with minimal interruption, for the purposes of getting words down on paper and providing mutual accountability.
  • Meeting two hours every other week in MLIB 455 (flex possible) for time to reflect on their writing process, plan out benchmarks for completion, and share drafts in small groups of 2-4. These groups provide accountability and increased understanding of how writing time can mesh with other professional duties.

Participating faculty will receive $500 in taxable income for completing some significant portion of their writing goals, and attending all meetings (through week 13 or 14).

Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) 
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers
Format: Online and Asynchronous
Compensation: $750
Contact: Allison McConnell
Full Description

The Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) Program is an asynchronous, self-paced Canvas course structured around the QLT evaluation rubric. This QLT course is designed to meet core standards in the QLT instrument through the completion of eight modules with associated deliverables that guide you to fully redesign a course (or design a new course). Topics and deliverables focus on backwards design, student engagement, authentic assessment, inclusion and accessibility, and more. This QLT course requires a final course review. While focusing on online learning, QLT provides a framework that is applicable to all modes of instruction.

Zach Justus
Director of Faculty Development
Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences
Google Voice/Text: 530-487-4150

All past Tuesday Tips are curated on the FDEV website.

Welcome Back!

The start of the semester often brings excitement and uncertainty for us and our students. This semester that uncertainty was compounded by the strike. Given the rapid adjustments to teaching and learning schedules I am writing to urge you to give yourselves, each other, and your students some extra grace and space to start the semester. 

  • Your normal add/drop policy may require some adjustment if students saw the news of the strike and stayed out of town or picked up extra work shifts. 
  • You may not have your Canvas site as built-out as you normally would because your mind has been elsewhere, it’s okay.
  • Staff support spent their days yesterday fielding questions from confused students and without all the answers. Let’s be extra kind at this time. 

When you do catch your breath, take a moment to consider the robust slate of professional development opportunities we are offering this Spring. All applications are due at 11:59pm on 1/30.

BIPOC Faculty Writing Community (FWC) 
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers who identify as BIPoC
Format: In Person
Compensation: $500
Contact: Stef Baldivia and Gloria Lopez
Full Description

The purpose of the Black, Indigenous, People of Color Faculty Writing Community (BIPoC-FWC) is to cultivate community and support for a diverse group of faculty to successfully navigate the retention, tenure, and promotion process, by developing scholarly and creative work, while strengthening a network of colleagues at the Chico State campus. The BIPoC-FWC is designed to create a space for BIPoC faculty to share their research ideas and publication goals, while supporting and motivating each other. All self-identified Black, Indigenous, or faculty of Color, are encouraged to apply. Members will regularly meet in a set location for a total of ten 90-minute sessions and two community building events. During writing sessions, every writer works on their own project, with mutual support offered through fellowship both prior to and following the writing sessions. Faculty will be working in a large cohort led by two peer-mentors, Gloria Lopez and Stef Baldivia. There will be a mandatory kick-off meeting in early spring based on participants availability.

Chico Affordable Learning Solutions (CAL$)
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers
Format: Online and Asynchronous
Compensation: $500
Contact: Beth Shook
Full Description

Want to decrease course costs for students? And at the same time provide students high quality and accessible course materials? Participate in an asynchronous Canvas training designed to help faculty identify and evaluate Open Educational Resources (OER) and other free or affordable course materials for your courses. Faculty who complete the online training, including developing a cost-savings plan to be implemented in a Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 course, will earn $500 in taxable income. 

Canvas modules will cover the following topics: OER and why they are important, finding and evaluating OER, Library resources, understanding copyright and Creative Commons licenses, ensuring accessibility, curating and adapting materials for your course, teaching with open resources, and the Zero Cost Course Materials (ZCCM) designation.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Teaching (EDIT) 
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers
Format: Primarily Zoom, with one in person session
Compensation: $500 for attending at least four workshops
Contact: Alisa Wade and Allison McConnell
Full Description

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Teaching (EDIT) Series includes six workshops, and is designed to offer faculty an introduction to basic concepts of equity, diversity, inclusion, and how they can be implemented in the classroom in order to create more equitable and accessible learning environments. Each workshop explores–and models–a different facet of student-centered and inclusive teaching through tools, resources, and strategies: positionality in the classroom, antiracist pedagogy, backward design, accessibility of course materials, culturally responsive teaching and the hidden curriculum, and practices of classroom community building. Workshops are each paired with a teaching guide (and other materials) and offer the opportunity for faculty to complete deliverables that they will be able to incorporate into their course(s) moving forward.

Leadership Development 
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers currently in/considering leadership roles on campus
Format: In Person
Compensation: $500
Contact: Holly Nevarez
Full Description

The leadership FLC will introduce leadership styles and strategies. This FLC is designed for people who lead from wherever you are. Perhaps you are not a formal leader on campus, but find yourself leading other staff or students; perhaps you would like to be a formal leader someday and want to start to develop skills; or perhaps you are going to be a department Chair next year and want to start preparing. In any of those scenarios, this FLC is for you. We will talk about staffing, shared governance, facilitating meetings, managing difficult people, work to develop a leadership philosophy and more.

Publish and Flourish 
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers
Format: One online FLC and one in person FLC
Compensation: $500
Contact: Chris Fosen
Full Description

The Office of Faculty Development is bringing back faculty writing groups FLCs for the spring 2024 semester. After a survey was sent out in Dec 2023 to “Publish and Flourish” and “Write an Article in Twelve Weeks” participants about meeting preferences, we recognized the need for two distinct meeting patterns and goals for FLC participants. Faculty can select either option below:

  • Meeting one hour a week on Zoom for dedicated writing time with minimal interruption, for the purposes of getting words down on paper and providing mutual accountability.
  • Meeting two hours every other week in MLIB 455 (flex possible) for time to reflect on their writing process, plan out benchmarks for completion, and share drafts in small groups of 2-4. These groups provide accountability and increased understanding of how writing time can mesh with other professional duties.

Participating faculty will receive $500 in taxable income for completing some significant portion of their writing goals, and attending all meetings (through week 13 or 14).

Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) 
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers
Format: Online and Asynchronous
Compensation: $750
Contact: Allison McConnell
Full Description

The Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) Program is an asynchronous, self-paced Canvas course structured around the QLT evaluation rubric. This QLT course is designed to meet core standards in the QLT instrument through the completion of eight modules with associated deliverables that guide you to fully redesign a course (or design a new course). Topics and deliverables focus on backwards design, student engagement, authentic assessment, inclusion and accessibility, and more. This QLT course requires a final course review. While focusing on online learning, QLT provides a framework that is applicable to all modes of instruction.

Zach Justus
Director of Faculty Development
Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences
Google Voice/Text: 530-487-4150

All past Tuesday Tips are curated on the FDEV website.

Teaching and leading can be challenging

At some point, many of us find ourselves in roles that cross boundaries between typical faculty work and leadership. This can take many forms from working in the Senate, serving as Department Chair, or perhaps leading a special initiative. In higher education we do not do an especially good job preparing people for leadership. We often fall into the trap of assuming someone will be good at organizing people and projects because they are a good researcher or teacher.

We are working on some leadership oriented professional development in Faculty Development for the Spring. In the meantime, we wanted to share two boundary-crossing resources you might find useful as you develop in leadership and in the classroom.

First, Dr. Jamie Gunderson from the School of Education hosts our Rise, Teach, Learn podcast. We were recently able to sit down with President Perez to discuss teaching and learning. Give the most recent episode a listen to learn about how highs and lows in classroom instruction inform the vision of President Perez.

Second, I continue to be impressed by the variety of professional development opportunities within NCFDD. This archived webinar covers managing dual roles as a teacher and administrator and would be a useful investment of time for those currently in, or considering a leadership opportunity. It is one of hundreds of outstanding resources available after you sign up for NCFDD. Just as a reminder we have a membership this year so it is free to you.

Zach Justus
Interim Director of Faculty Development
Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences
Google Voice/Text: 530-487-4150

Acknowledge an Inspirational Colleague

In the early 20th century, educator John Dewey said “We do not learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on experience.” With another academic year nearing completion, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on life including the people who inspire us. If you have an inspirational colleague who is a leader or innovator in the classroom, consider nominating them for the Faculty Innovation and Leadership Award. One faculty member will be awarded from each CSU campus and will receive a $5,000 cash award and $10,000 to be allocated to their academic department for travel, teaching load reduction, teaching equipment, etc. Yes, nominations are time-consuming but they are also one of the most authentic ways to show a colleague how appreciated they truly are. The deadline is June 29 so there’s no rush.

As a reminder, May 25 is the deadline to apply for 2018-19 FLCs including Improve your Teaching Practice, Article in 12 Weeks, and Quality Learning & Teaching.

Also, the Grading Oasis (MLIB 459) is open with free coffee and snacks for the rest of this week from 8am-5pm for faculty to drop in and grade, write, read, or just escape for a while.

Make it a great week!