Universal Design for Learning FLC

Dear faculty,

I am excited to promote a new faculty learning community (FLC) focusing on Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which will be offered during the 2022-2023 academic year! Dr. Jamie Linn Gunderson and Dr. Kathryn Mercurio will co-lead this FLC. 

 In this FLC, participants are invited to think about UDL in the design of their assignments, assessments, and activities to promote inclusion, accessibility, and student success. During the FLC, participants will be guided through the creation of interactive lessons, activities, and assessments that align with the principles, guidelines, and checkpoints of UDL. This is the first FLC offered under the auspices of READI, the new hub for Research in Equity, Antiracism, Diversity and Inclusion, housed in Faculty Development. We will use this FLC to pilot an assessment model of FDEV programs as they impact student success, to fully understand how faculty’s professional development can improve equitable student learning.

 Please review the full call for applications (Google Doc), and read more about the UDL guidelines(opens in new window). I also want to share an episode(opens in new window) of Rise, Teach, Learn (the FDEV podcast) that focuses on UDL. In our next podcast episode(opens in new window) (to be released on September 8th) Jamie, Katie, and I will sit down to discuss some aspects of the FLC in more detail, so stay tuned if you want to learn more!

 Applications to the FLC will close on Monday September 12th, at 5:00 pm. Please fill out this google form(opens in new window), if you plan to apply.

 FLC meetings times

The FLC will meet monthly on Thursdays from 12:30 -2:00 PM. The meetings will occur in person and/or via Zoom using Chicoflex technology.9/29/22 Introduction and Exploration of UDL

10/27/22 Culturally Responsive Learning Environments & Inclusive Syllabi
11/17/22 UDL: Designing Relevant and Rigorous Assignments & Assessments
12/15/22 Inclusive & Accessible Syllabi Showcase
2/16/23 UDL: Designing Engaging Lessons and Activities
3/23/23 UDL: Accessible Learning Materials and Resources
4/13/23 Collaborative Work Session – Model Course Design Portfolio
5/11/23 Course Design/Redesign Symposium

Please contact Jamie Linn Gunderson (jlgunderson@csuchico.edu(opens in new window)) for questions related to this FLC or Chiara Ferrari cfferrari@csuchico.edu(opens in new window), Director of Faculty Development, for broader questions related to FDEV. 

Supplemental Instruction to Enhance Learning

INVITATION: The Faculty Development Office will host a viewing party for a webinar offered by the Chancellor’s Office on Supplemental Instruction (SI) on March 1 from 12-2 in Butte 309 (details attached). If you’re interested in attending all or part of this gathering, please RSVP here so we know how much coffee/snacks to bring.

What is SI?

SI has been shown to increase student engagement and help them perform better on assessments? It is a proven program that provides academic assistance to students via peer-assisted study sessions. Modeled after the International Program at the University of Missouri-KC, the SI Program at Chico State currently supports dozens of courses sections across multiple colleges on campus (mostly high enrollment, high DFW, bottleneck courses).

How does SI work?

SI study sessions are held three to four times per week by an SI leader, who is a student (recommended by you) who has already mastered the course material. SI leaders are trained and funded by the Student Learning Center (or your department’s budget) to facilitate group sessions where students can meet to compare notes, improve their understanding of course material, review and discuss difficult concepts, develop study strategies, and prepare for exams.

How can I get involved?

Requests for participating in the SI program should be made one semester in advance to allow time for hiring and training of the SI Leader. To start the SI request process, complete this SI Faculty Interest Form.