Improving Classroom Climate

Last week we announced our funded webinar series on free speech and inclusion (Google Doc). Everyone is welcome to attend every session, but we have 20 paid spots for people to attend all sessions and produce the related deliverables. The application for these spots is brief and due on 9/20. 

Today’s teaching tip is related to this upcoming webinar series. Dr. Mylien Duong is the Senior Director of Research and Innovation for the Constructive Dialogue Institute. She was a recent guest on the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast for a conversation about Facilitating Contentious Conversations in Your Classroom (Duong, 2024). Her work in this field is cutting edge and I want to share an abbreviated guide to setting up classroom discussions from her co-authored 2022 piece in Times Higher Education (the whole thing is worth a read, but this section is an abbreviated quotation from the article).

  • Invest time to foster a positive climate. Get to know your students as students and as people.
  • Establish ground rules, norms or shared agreements for discussions. Whatever you call them, it’s more effective to co-create these norms with your students rather than simply telling students what they are. 
  • Plan discussions. Meaningful exchanges rarely happen spontaneously. Planning for discussions means two things.
  • Think through what role you want to play during the discussion. Is your stance one of intentional neutrality? Will you challenge a student’s point of view if you don’t agree? What if you find the point of view offensive? Will you play devil’s advocate? Under what circumstances, if any, will you as facilitator express your own stance on an issue?

The key takeaway from the work of Dr. Duong is that facilitating this sort of dialogue requires planning. We often see poorly planned classroom discussions in YouTube shorts or things that seem expertly constructed during peer observations. The planning work is lost in these snapshots. It can take up class time, it can be challenging, but in the end building community is worth it for an array of reasons–not least among them is the capacity to have meaningful conversations about difficult issues. 

Last thing, just a reminder that this Thursday we are collaborating with Information Security, the Technology and Learning Program, and Student Rights and Responsibilities to offer a workshop on Academic Integrity and AI. It is on Zoom from 9-11am on Thursday and we will record it.

Zach Justus
Director of Faculty Development
Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences
Google Voice/Text: 530-487-4150

All past Tuesday Tips are curated on the FDEV website.

Early Fall Opportunities are Here!

We are loving the energy on campus to start the Fall. In FDEV, we are launching our programming as quickly as possible to support you this semester. We don’t want to clog your inbox, so we are using the teaching tips to promote our upcoming workshops and the Fall Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs). 

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Workshops. All sessions will be recorded. 

  1. AI Basics. 9/5 from 12-1pm. Zoom. Get started with the foundational knowledge you need about this disruptive technology. This session is designed with beginners in mind. Collaboration with TLP.
  2. Academic Integrity and AI. 9/19 from 9-11am. Zoom. This collaboration with Student Rights and Responsibilities covers how Academic Integrity and AI intersect and your changing role as an instructor. 

Classroom Culture. All sessions will be recorded. 
This series will launch in late September and will focus on fostering a healthy classroom environment, especially during contentious times like election season. This is a collaboration with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Office. Details forthcoming. Preliminary schedule will be:

  1. Free speech fundamentals. 9/20 from 12-1pm. Zoom.
  2. De-escalation in the classroom. 9/27 from 12-1pm. Zoom.
  3. Campus support systems. 10/4 from 12-1pm. Zoom. 
  4. Culminating event. 10/11 from 12-1pm. In Person. 

FLC Opportunities for Fall. All applications due on 9/3 at 11:59pm.

Advancing Hispanic/Latinx Student Success
(Google Doc)
Who: All faculty including lecturers 
Leads: Teresita Curiel and Gloria Lopez
Grant Contact: Sabrina Marquez
Compensation: $1000 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: In Person

This project is partially funded by a generous U.S. Department of Education Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) grant from PI Ryan Patten, College of BSS.  We are happy to collaborate on this important work.  This FLC will feature connected workshops focused on better understanding Hispanic/Latinx university students and how Chico State can advance their success. Applications are due on 9/3.

Collaborative Online International Learning (Google Doc)  (COIL)
Who: All faculty including lecturers 
Lead: Dr. Nan Li
Compensation: $500 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: Online and Synchronous

International Education and Global Engagement (IEGE) is offering faculty an opportunity to participate in a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) this fall to support with implementation of Collaborative Online International Education (COIL) as a component within your course at Chico State. IEGE offers support—training, mentoring, resources, and partner matching—for faculty members who wish to develop a virtual exchange experience with a faculty member(s) abroad, connecting students globally to project-based learning and valuable international opportunities.

Leadership Development
(Google Doc)
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers currently in/considering leadership roles on campus
Lead: Holly Nevarez
Compensation: $500 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: In Person

The leadership FLC will introduce leadership styles and strategies. This FLC is designed for people who lead from wherever you are. Perhaps you are not a formal leader on campus, but find yourself leading other staff or students; perhaps you would like to be a formal leader someday and want to start to develop skills; or perhaps you are going to be a department Chair next year and want to start preparing. In any of those scenarios, this FLC is for you. We will talk about staffing, shared governance, facilitating meetings, managing difficult people, work to develop a leadership philosophy and more. Applications are due on 9/3.

Quality Learning and Teaching (Google Doc) (QLT)
Who: All faculty including lecturers
Lead: Allison McConnell
Compensation: $500 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: Fall Online and Primarily Asynchronous

The Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) Program is an asynchronous, self-paced Canvas course structured around the QLT evaluation rubric. This QLT course is designed to meet core standards in the QLT instrument through the completion of eight modules with associated deliverables that guide you to fully redesign a course (or design a new course). Topics and deliverables focus on backwards design, student engagement, authentic assessment, inclusion and accessibility, and more. This QLT course requires a final course review. While focusing on online learning, QLT provides a framework that is applicable to all modes of instruction. Applications are due on 9/3.

Universal Design for Learning (Google Doc) (UDL)
Who: All STEM faculty, including lecturers (CNS and ECSCM)
Lead: Jamie Gunderson Compensation: $1880.00 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: Academic Year Online and Synchronous 

The CSU Chico Office of Faculty Development (FDEV) is thrilled to present an NSF-funded Faculty Learning Community (FLC) dedicated to implementing teaching strategies that enhance student learning in STEM disciplines. This FLC invites participants to delve into Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to design assessments and implement activities that foster inclusion, accessibility, engagement, and student success within their courses. We strongly encourage all STEM faculty to apply.

 Zach Justus
Director of Faculty Development
Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences
Google Voice/Text: 530-487-4150

All past Tuesday Tips are curated on the FDEV website.

Universal Design for Learning FLC

Dear faculty,

I am excited to promote a new faculty learning community (FLC) focusing on Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which will be offered during the 2022-2023 academic year! Dr. Jamie Linn Gunderson and Dr. Kathryn Mercurio will co-lead this FLC. 

 In this FLC, participants are invited to think about UDL in the design of their assignments, assessments, and activities to promote inclusion, accessibility, and student success. During the FLC, participants will be guided through the creation of interactive lessons, activities, and assessments that align with the principles, guidelines, and checkpoints of UDL. This is the first FLC offered under the auspices of READI, the new hub for Research in Equity, Antiracism, Diversity and Inclusion, housed in Faculty Development. We will use this FLC to pilot an assessment model of FDEV programs as they impact student success, to fully understand how faculty’s professional development can improve equitable student learning.

 Please review the full call for applications (Google Doc), and read more about the UDL guidelines(opens in new window). I also want to share an episode(opens in new window) of Rise, Teach, Learn (the FDEV podcast) that focuses on UDL. In our next podcast episode(opens in new window) (to be released on September 8th) Jamie, Katie, and I will sit down to discuss some aspects of the FLC in more detail, so stay tuned if you want to learn more!

 Applications to the FLC will close on Monday September 12th, at 5:00 pm. Please fill out this google form(opens in new window), if you plan to apply.

 FLC meetings times

The FLC will meet monthly on Thursdays from 12:30 -2:00 PM. The meetings will occur in person and/or via Zoom using Chicoflex technology.9/29/22 Introduction and Exploration of UDL

10/27/22 Culturally Responsive Learning Environments & Inclusive Syllabi
11/17/22 UDL: Designing Relevant and Rigorous Assignments & Assessments
12/15/22 Inclusive & Accessible Syllabi Showcase
2/16/23 UDL: Designing Engaging Lessons and Activities
3/23/23 UDL: Accessible Learning Materials and Resources
4/13/23 Collaborative Work Session – Model Course Design Portfolio
5/11/23 Course Design/Redesign Symposium

Please contact Jamie Linn Gunderson ( in new window)) for questions related to this FLC or Chiara Ferrari in new window), Director of Faculty Development, for broader questions related to FDEV. 

Spring 2020 Paid Professional Development – Applications Open Until November 12th

The Office of Faculty Development and its Advisory Board have prepared an exciting suite of Faculty Learning Communities (FLC) for you for the Spring semester. All FLCs for Spring 2020 are open to all faculty of any rank in any discipline including lecturers and you may apply to more than one FLC. See below for details and application links. Applications must be completed by November 12, 2019. Each FLC involves seven 2-hour group sessions and faculty will be paid $500 for participating and completing deliverables. Find more information on the FDEV Website!


“Successful Grant-Writing”

Brief Description: In collaboration with Chico State Enterprises (CSE), faculty will be guided through the grant-writing process, including project concept development, positioning yourself, narrative writing, and submission of a proposal. Participants will gain knowledge and strategies to successfully compete for grant funded research, scholarship and creative activity, allowing you to make valuable contributions to your field and advance your career.

Full Details Here

Application Form Here


“10,000 First-Generation Wildcats: Embracing a culture of support for the 62% of Chico State students whose parents did not complete a 4-year degree”

Brief Description: Faculty will gain a variety of tools to teach and support our 10,000 First Generation College Students. A variety of inclusive pedagogical principles will be discussed as faculty learn about the assets, challenges, and backgrounds of this growing population at Chico State.

Full Details Here

Application Form Here

Returning by Popular Demand

“Improving Your Teaching Practice: Tips, Strategies, and Resources”

Brief Description: This FLC is for faculty who want to enhance their teaching practices and create collaborative relationships around pedagogy across disciplines. Topics will be determined based on needs and interests of participants and may include areas such as designing an inclusive syllabus, enhancing lectures, facilitating discussions, teaching large classes, aligning assessments with learning objectives, and educational technologies.

Full Details Here

Application Form Here

RSVP For What Enriches You

Today’s tip is a friendly reminder about a few of the development and recognition invitations this semester for faculty. I know your schedules are very busy so please only RSVP to what nourishes and interests you.

Have a great last few days before Spring Break!!

The highlight of my CELT Conference experience?

The highlight of my CELT Conference experience?  Probably getting to physically act out the elements of the human digestive system with a dozen esteemed colleagues in a Teaching Slam.  But today’s tip—gleaned from multiple conference sessions—is less, well, gross.

It turns out that whether or not a High Impact Practice—like a capstone course or an internship or a collaborative learning experience—actually has a high impact often hinges on whether or not students have been given—and take—the time to think about what and how they are learning, and how their learning is reshaping who they are. This can be done, of course, in long, rewarding, and schedule-wrecking office hour conversations, but it can also be integrated into regular assignments: “How my mind has changed” exam questions, portfolio reviews, group process reflection questions at the end of collaborative projects, even a 5-minute end-of-class reflective quick-write. Who knew “high impact” could be so quiet?

And now:  Two faculty development opportunities for your consideration:

  • The call for applications for CELT Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) grants is now available on the CELT website. These are awards of up to $1,000 in Professional Development Funds to support dissemination of pedagogical research at a major academic or professional conference and/or attendance of a learning & teaching-centered conference or workshop.  Proposals are due Monday December 1.  See full details here.
  • Chico’s Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$) program invites faculty applications to the Textbook Alternatives Project (TAP) to help research and implement alternatives to expensive print textbooks. Participants will learn about AL$ options and possibilities and will work with faculty librarians and TLP consultants focused on their class(es).  Participants will receive $1,000 stipends.   Applications are available here, or contact TLP’s Laura Sederberg for more information, or 898-4326. This project is being co-sponsored by TLP, CELT, and Meriam Library.

And forget the coffee, you should come to the 4th floor of the library just to see the incredible student collaboration that is going on—all day—around white boards, in table pods, in squishy chairs; on chemistry, history, math, you name it. The energy is great.  Come check it out—it will make you proud to be part of their faculty.

Oh, and remember to let me know if you’re interested in being part of a Faculty Writing Circle.

*Authored by Dr. Katherine McCarthy.