Ensure Your Voice is Heard

The WASC reaccreditation campus visit is next week and faculty have an opportunity to meet with the team on Tuesday, March 5 from 4:30-5:15pm in Colusa 100. This is an opportunity for you to share your input about the campus from the faculty perspective. If you’re unable to attend or would prefer to communicate privately with the WASC team, you can email your thoughts directly to csuchico@wscuc.org through March 7. This confidential email goes straight to the WASC review team and no one at Chico State will be able to read or have access to it. To read more about Chico State’s reaccreditation process, visit the WASC website.

Use BOX to Make Your Life Easier!

Over the past year, departments at Chico State have transitioned their file storage from Bay to Box (in the cloud). This transition provides greater security, easier accessibility, and a wider range of collaboration tools for you. As part of this transition, every faculty member now has an unlimited amount of storage space on Box (in the cloud) to store files. Here are the top five ways Box can improve your life…

  1. You can access all of your files anytime, anywhere, including from home, office, any mobile device, and in any classroom with a computer and Internet access. No need to ever use (or lose) a flash drive again.
  2. You can access your files from the Box website as if they were on your computer and changes are automatically stored in the cloud (imagine updating a lecture slide from your phone at the airport).
  3. You can easily share course materials with your students (they don’t need Box accounts to access).
  4. You control access to your materials by sharing folders and files of content with your students or colleagues while keeping other folders and files private.
  5. Links you share to your course content are always up-to-date. You never need to upload new versions of files, update links, or worry about being stuck in class with an outdated version of your content.

If you’d like to learn how you can leverage Box in your courses to make your files more accessible and secure, we will be hosting a 45-minute workshop inColusa 100B on Wednesday, 3/28 from 1:15-2pm and on Thursday, 3/29 from 9-9:45am (same workshop – just on different days to accommodate faculty schedules). The workshop will be led by Tony Dunn, Lecturer in the Business Department and Project Manager for Information Technology Client Services. RSVP for the workshop.

Log in to Box

Get answers to Box FAQs

Hold Class At the Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve

If you’re interested in a unique and engaging classroom experience, consider holding class at the Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve (BCCER). Classes ranging from art and journalism to agriculture and construction management utilize the BCCER. It’s a 25-minute drive from campus (on Hwy 32 near Forrest Ranch). Thousands of people every year visit the 4,000 acres of diverse ecosystems.

They are open every weekday and have staff and resources to help you and your students have the best learning experience possible. Visit their websitefor more information and to explore how you can best utilize this wonderful resource.  Also, you can view upcoming events and opportunities on their Facebook page.

The first attached flyer has more information on BCCER. The second attached flyer is an open house they’re hosting on April 21. For additional questions or to set up a visit, contact:

Jon Aull, Education and Research Coordinator
CSUC Ecological Reserves
(530) 898-5010