My name is Zach Justus, I previously served as the Interim Director of Faculty Development and am excited to be back in the role. This is a time of tremendous change on our campus and in higher education broadly, but I am going to keep these tips focused on actionable concrete ideas designed to help you in the day-to-day work of teaching and learning.
Today’s tip is–just breathe. One of the great privileges of this position is working with new faculty. When I was meeting with new lecturers I focused on just making it through the first week. It is good advice for all of us. Give yourselves permission to focus on that goal as well. You don’t need to be a master of Canvas when you get started. You don’t need to be the most knowledgeable person in the room about generative AI. You just need to make it through the first week.
If you are looking for some help with Canvas I strongly recommend the 90 minute self-paced training available through TLP. Start here for training and other guides.
If you are looking for help getting started with AI in your classroom please refer to our joint announcement last week. TLP is also hosting a series of workshops including several on syllabus statements. You can change your syllabus policy in the first week if you announce it to the class.
Lastly, be on the lookout for our fall programming announcement next week.
Zach Justus
Interim Director of Faculty Development
Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences