RTP Forum Resources

Dear faculty,

ah, what a day yesterday was! Between the excitement of the RTP discussions and Labor Day, my week got all confused, so here you are getting a Tuesday Tip on a Wednesday! Way to spice up FDEV!

I am happy to share resources from yesterday’s RTP forum, so if you missed it, you can access all information asynchronously.

RTP Forum video recording
RTP Forum slides (the last two slides offer resources and dossier samples you can access and explore)
(both resources are posted in the Friday Forum page)

I also want to take this opportunity to share a great video (Passcode: 2M1!kV5k) that Director of Civic Engagement Dr. Ann Schulte put together to show how the Collaboratory: Community Engagement Database can be used to enhance your dossier.

We will be offering a Friday Forum in the near future about all the possibilities Collaboratory offers, so stay tuned for that announcement!

I truly hope the forum was useful, and please remember that the Office of Faculty Development is always open to help you in the tenure, retention, and promotion journey!

Showcase evidence of teaching excellence

Dear faculty,

As we get closer to the due date for turning in your dossier (February 18th), I want to take a moment to re-share some resources available in FDEV for retention, tenure, and promotion (RTP), and more general resources that can help with your dossiers (whether you are a T/TT faculty or a lecturer). Earlier this year and last year we offered a number of Friday Forums that provided insights into a variety of topics pertaining to RTP, how to write your dossier, and how to showcase evidence of your work.

I want to share the recordings from those forums, and I hope that you can find valuable information:

  1. How to Showcase Evidence of Teaching Excellence (Class Evaluations) – additional material available here
  2. How to Showcase Evidence of Teaching Excellence (in the RTP Dossier) – additional material available here
  3. How to Prepare for a Class Peer Evaluation – slides available here
  4. How to Approach Service Strategically (and write about it in your dossier)- slides and additional material available here
  5. Resources on RTP

I hope these resources will be useful and I want to encourage all faculty to reach out to Faculty Development for questions about RTP, dossier writing, class evaluations, etc. We might not have all the answers, but we should be able to point you in the right direction. I am also happy to share my dossier with anybody who would like to see an example, just reach out to me!

Comment on our blog if you want to share different ideas on how to showcase evidence of teaching excellence in your dossier.

Resources for Tenure, Promotion, and Dossier Writing

Dear faculty,

I hope that your first week in class (virtually or in person) went as smoothly as possible and that you could all get re-energized by the interaction with your students!

This week, I want to encourage you to focus on yourselves for a moment, and to consider the resources available for retention, tenure, and promotion (RTP), and more general resources that can help with your dossiers (whether you are going through a performance or periodic review this year, and whether you are a T/TT faculty or a lecturer). Last year we offered a number of Friday Forums that provided insights into a variety of topics pertaining to RTP, and many faculty helped me explore concrete examples of successful practices. 

I want to share the recordings from those forums, as many of you have dossiers due on September 17th, and I hope that you can find valuable information there.

  1. How to Showcase Evidence of Teaching Excellence (Class Evaluations) – additional material available here
  2. How to Showcase Evidence of Teaching Excellence (in the RTP Dossier) – additional material available here
  3. How to Prepare for a Class Peer Evaluation – slides available here
  4. How to Approach Service Strategically – additional material available here

I want to encourage all faculty (T/TT and lecturers) to reach out to Faculty Development for questions about RTP, dossier writing, class evaluations, etc. We might not have all the answers, but we should be able to point you in the right direction. I am also happy to share my dossier with anybody who would like to see an example, just reach out to me!

Lastly, I want to send one more reminder about the Friday Forum on RTP. Join us for a discussion about tenure and promotion with the Office of Academic Personnel, Deans, Department Chairs, and newly tenured faculty on Friday, September 3rd, 12:00-2:00 p.m. The forum will be offered via Zoom and all sessions will be recorded.

Do not hesitate to reach out to me or Faculty Development for any questions!

Chiara Ferrari 
Faculty Development, Director 
Campus zip: 026 
Phone: 530-898-3094 
Department of Media Arts, Design, and Technology 
Campus zip: 504 
Phone: 530-898-4647

Open Access (Friday Forum)

Do you have questions about Open Access and how it impacts your scholarly work and publication?

Open Access encompasses a variety of issues but includes literature that is digital, free for users, and that offers authors a variety of licensing options. The relatively new process of publishing in Open Access venues raises questions, however, regarding the process, authors’ rights, and the implications of Open Access publishing for the RTP process.

The film Paywall: The Business of Scholarship highlights some of the pressing issues driving the Open Access movement. 

In March of 2019 the Academic Senate of the California State University passed a Resolution in Support of Faculty Publication Rights with a Green Open Access Policy for the California State University but what does that mean to the academic community at Chico State?

Please join us in a discussion about the status of Open Access on Friday, February 12th (11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., via Zoom). Chico State librarians will discuss research and resources at CSU, Chico. 

We seek to learn about your interests and concerns regarding Open Access publication and want to hear from individuals across campus to engage in a learning community about this topic. This Friday Forum is designed to share information about the process and policies in place, while understanding how we might best direct efforts to support Open Access publication on campus. We hope you will share your experiences and insights.

A few things we will cover in this forum:

  • Explore what Open Access means for our academic community.
  • The Elsevier APC Waiver Agreement with the CSU system, and how you can take advantage of an opportunity to expand access and visibility to your published articles for no additional fees. 
  • Details of Chico’s Open Access Institutional Repository, ScholarWorks.
  • Resources from the library to aid additional exploration.
  • Feedback and stories from you on Open Access relating to your scholarship and discipline.

Our desired outcomes include:

  •         Invite a conversation with OA leaders on campus – listening session
  •          Learn about OA needs for campus
  •          Determine future needs around OA on this campus
  •          Let folks share their existing efforts around campus on OA     

Have questions? Feel free to contact us!

Chrissy Hursh cmhursh@csuchico.edu

George Thompson ghthompson@csuchico.edu

Pam Kruger pkruger@csuchico.edu

William Cuthbertson wcuthbertson@csuchico.edu

Measuring Student Learning Certificate Opportunity

Defining a learning objective is challenging. Accurately measuring a learning objective is even more challenging and requires familiarity with a number of assessment strategies. In 500 Tips on Assessment, best practices include exploring a variety of strategies such as peer and self assessment, portfolios, and practical work that are “authentic” and “redeemable” (i.eopportunities to redeem failure when things go wrong).

If you’d like to take a closer look at your course assessment plan in a supportive environment and earn a Certificate in “Measuring Student Learning and Success”, join us in a series of three workshops on April 5, 12, and 19 in MLIB 252 from 11-12:30. Earning the certificate involves attending all three workshops that offer a comprehensive look at different stages of a course assessment plan. While you are welcome to attend as many workshops as your schedule allows, earning the Certificate requires full attendance at all three workshops.

Workshop Topics

April 5: Create and implement a course assessment plan (by Ben Seipel)

April 12: Interpret assessment data and close the loop (by Ben Seipel)

April 19: Create assessment-based evidence for your RTP dossier (by Chiara Ferrari)

If you’re interested, please complete this brief questionnaire.

Contact Chiara Ferrari for questions.

Workshops are offered by the Office of Faculty Development in collaboration with the Academic Assessment Council.