Get by with a little help from your friends

Get by with a little help from your friends at Faculty Development this week. Maybe you don’t consider us friends, “colleagues” maybe? How about “acquaintances with snacks”?

This week we are running the Faculty Grading Oasis in MLIB 458 and we would love to see you in the office. We offer fresh coffee, snacks, a place outside your normal office, and students to assist you with grading/clerical tasks. Our schedule this week is:

Tuesday Open 8-12, 1-5, Student help 1-5

Wednesday Open 8-5, Student help 8-10:30, 11-5

Thursday Open 8-2, Student help 8-2

Friday Open 8-11:30, Student help 8-11 (we are working on the afternoon schedule)

Without further procrastination, your top 10 reasons for visiting the faculty grading oasis (revised from Fall).

  1. Students studying on the 4th floor are more stressed than you are, feel better by proxy.
  2. No one knocks on our door asking to redo an assignment from early February.
  3. Student workers to help with basic tasks like alphabetizing (remember to be FERPA compliant).
  4. We have dedicated dual monitor workstations you can use and print from. They are probably newer than the post-war ENIAC surplus machine you are reading this on.
  5. Get away from that judgy colleague who already has all their grading done.
  6. Experience one of the only offices on campus where control of the thermostat is possible.
  7. Our office has windows, you know the magical devices that allow light to come in.
  8. We are closer to Common Grounds than where you normally work.
  9. Our office is now is now 173 4 days since our last Chupacabra attack. You will probably possibly be safe.
  10. Have you ever seen the library vaccum Zamboni machine? Need I say more?

Got feedback on this tip? Leave a comment or email it to us. Got an idea for a tip? Send it along.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Caffeinated Cats podcast! The newest episode is on the strike that wasn’t. Link to it on soundclouditunesovercast, or follow the podcast on facebook

End of the year

Here we are: Not much left but the emergency extra credit requests. I hope it has been a gratifying year, whether you teach one class, have just started on the tenure track, or have been here long enough to have known some of those new colleagues when they were your students.

Just two reminders today:

  • As it was last semester, MLIB 458 will be open as a Faculty Grading Oasis next week for your grading and refueling pleasure. Coffee, tea, and snacks (healthy and otherwise—I’m not your mother) are on us, and we’ll have student assistants available to help with alphabetizing, grade recording, objective scoring, and other clerical tasks. Drop in Monday through Thursday 8 to 4, and Friday 8 to 12.
  • Remember to complete the Campus Climate Survey. It’s been a long year, and there are important matters on which to be heard. The faculty survey can be found here:  The deadline for responses is 11 PM on May 15.

It’s been my pleasure to act as Interim Director of Faculty Development this year, not least because I got a good view of the incredibly varied and innovative work of my colleagues across campus. We have too few opportunities for literary scholars to work with management experts, volcanologists with political scientists, education theorists with engineers. It’s been rewarding to see this happen in CELT workshops and conference sessions, Article-Writing FLCs, Women’s Leadership Roundtables, Academy e-Learning cohort meetings, and in the many informal conversations I get to listen in on here in MLIB 458. Watch for more opportunities for this kind of connection-making next year, when I look forward to rejoining you as a full-time member of the faculty.

*  Authored by Dr. Katherine McCarthy.