Sent on behalf of Jodi Shepherd, Interim Dean of the Meriam Library, and the Meriam Library and CSE Inspired Team.
Tuesday Tip: Take a few minutes to recognize your research and creative activities for Inspired 2022.
Inspired 2022 will be a virtual event hosted on Zoom from 3:30-5:00 on Wednesday, April 6th. During this event we’ll recognize Lantis awardees, FRAS awards, Early Career Community Engagement award and Our Civically Engaged Scholar Award, among others. While Inspired 2022 looks a little different this year, we are excited to celebrate the awardees and the work that has gone into research and creative activities in the past year. The decision to hold the event online was a result of COVID uncertainties and 4th floor upgrades.
Unfortunately, we weren’t able to host Inspired 2020 and Inspired 2021 because of COVID-19. We will acknowledge past recipients during this year’s virtual event. Recognition of awardees will also be on display in the library during the month of April.
We hope you’ll join us to celebrate the awardees who are being recognized for their achievements.
In-Person Exhibit: Library throughout April
The continued scholarship of Chico State faculty will be recognized with posters throughout the library during the month of April. With one poster dedicated to each department and each author’s citations listed with a link to their work, we welcome the Chico State community to view the research that has been accomplished during the pandemic. Our aim is to engage students who are in the library as well in displaying their faculty’s research achievements
Participate and be recognized. Please take a few minutes and submit your research or creative work completed between:
January 1st, 2021 to December 31st, 2021
January 1st, 2020 to December 31st, 2020
We are excited to celebrate with you,
Jodi Shepherd, Interim Dean of the Meriam Library