FDEV Faculty Fellow Dr. Jamie Gunderson sat down with Dr. Alisa Wade and former director Dr. Chiara Ferrari to discuss the history and impact of READI at Chico State in our most recent episode of the Rise, Teach, Learn podcast. Listening to it compelled me to reflect on the impact this hub has had and will continue to have on Chico State. READI was the vision of my dear friend and predecessor Chiara Ferrari who worked with a group of diverse faculty fellows to make the values of the institution a reality within Faculty Development. The funding for the hub ends this Spring, but I want to highlight a few enduring products of the READI hub that will impact our campus for years.
First, Faculty Development offers 60+ unique Teaching Guides covering a wide range of topics from Black Lives Matter in the Classroom to Gamification. The fellows utilized a universal design for learning framework with an equity emphasis to produce what is now a library of resources. This collection is permanent and we will continue to maintain it moving forward.
Second, later this semester we will launch a Canvas-based Teaching Certificate program designed to help faculty elevate their teaching practices and provide RTP-friendly verification of completion.
Third, the READI hub supported an incredible range of faculty programs. This semester we were thrilled to pilot the BIPoC faculty writing group, co-produce programming related to the Book In Common, and continue supporting the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Teaching workshops.
I hope you will join me in an enthusiastic thank-you to Chiara, the FDEV staff, and the many READI partners who made this work happen. In doing so we can be thankful for what we have while working to expand the lessons we have learned through partnership and creativity.
Zach Justus
Director of Faculty Development
Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences
Google Voice/Text: 530-487-4150